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Owning a Candy Store is a Trip Down Memory Lane

Owning a Candy Store is a Trip Down Memory Lane

Running a candy shop is like diving into a treasure chest of nostalgia! Our quest? Tracking down those sugary delights that spark epic flashbacks. Remember the thrill of biking to 7-11 for candy and Slurpees? After curating our dream lineup, we polled our inner circle for their top childhood candy faves. Here are my top five sweet blasts from the past that our available in our store and online:

Cinnamon toothpicks! Remember that fiery kick? So addictive! Some even became mini entrepreneurs, selling them at school.  

Gold Mine Gum - Those quirky pouches filled with oddly shaped gum were my jam! 

Candy Cigarette Sticks and Candy Cigarette Bubble Gum - Every Gen Xer and Boomer gets a kick out of these retro goodies!

Candy Necklaces - Who doesn't love rocking a stylish accessory that doubles as a tasty treat?

Pop Rocks - My go-to treat from the good old days was always a pack of Pop Rocks from the corner store.
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